Dear Friends of the Four Corners Foundation:
As we close out another year, our list of non-profit partners continues to grow. I cannot help but reflect on how grateful we are to both you, our donors, and to our non-profit partners who truly change our community for the better. The Holy Spirit is at work!
We are pleased to announce that in 2025, in addition to our 12 non-profit partners, we will be adding the House of St. Christopher (HOSC). The mission of HOSC is to mentor children and teens who have little or no adult supervision after school, often due to a single or two-working-parent situation. HOSC founders were themselves Farmington “street kids” and know first-hand the potentially difficult future many of these children face in their adult years. HOSC children and teens have volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club, participated in the annual “Canyon Cleanup”, walked dogs at the animal shelter, and through a partnership with the City of Farmington have enjoyed no-cost activities at the Sycamore Center, bowling alley, skating rink and swimming pools. All activities are focused on giving back to the community and becoming involved in positive, healthy activities. Thank you HOSC for your love and commitment to these at-risk children.
We certainly believe that God is working with all our non-profit partners to accomplish His work. Each of these non-profits are so special and FCF is happy to be a small cog in the wheel to help raise funds to accomplish their mission. In 2025 our plan is to have a single gathering of our non-profit partners to exchange ideas, get to know one another, and provide support for each other’s mission.
As donors, you are a much larger cog in the wheel. Without you none of this work would be possible. I recently read this, and it moved my heart. “Generosity is not about an amount, but about an attitude.” We are so thankful for your help over the years. Please know that God is working through you, and it is making a difference in so many lives.
Merry Christmas and God bless.
Matthew deKay, M.D.